πŸ”¨Compilation and deploy of the TON smart contract

How to compile and deploy smart contract on TON Blockchain using javascript?

After reading this article, you will know how to compile and deploy TON smart contract with the TON Fruits example

βœ… You can find working example here

So, first of all let's install dependencies ton, ton-compiler ΠΈ tweetnacl:

npm i -D ton ton-compiler tweetnacl

Add required imports:

import { promises } from 'fs'
import { Address, Cell, CellMessage, contractAddress, serializeDict, TonClient } from 'ton'
import { compileFunc } from 'ton-compiler'
import nacl from 'tweetnacl'

Lets create a key pair for the smart contract management, and save it into the file:

const { publicKey, secretKey } = nacl.sign.keyPair()
await promises.writeFile('key.pk', Buffer.from(secretKey))

Then we need to compile the source code. We use TON Fruits source code as an example:

// You may find slot.fc content here https://gist.github.com/ton-solutions/c300d0ebb0a3ee920c8e8b310a451e29
const funcSource = (await promises.readFile('slot.fc')).toString('utf-8')
const compilationResult = await compileFunc(funcSource)
const initialCode = Cell.fromBoc(compilationResult.cell)[0]

Prepare initial contract state:

const reelsCount = 5
const symbolsCount = 8
const payTable = new Map([
    ['2111', 50],
    ['221', 100],
    ['311', 200],
    ['32', 250],
    ['41', 2000],
    ['5', 5000]

const slotParams = new Cell()
slotParams.bits.writeUint(symbolsCount, 8)
slotParams.bits.writeUint(reelsCount, 8)
const payTableCell = serializeDict(payTable, 32, (value, cell) => {
    cell.bits.writeUint(value, 32)

let initialData = new Cell()
 // seq_no
initialData.bits.writeUint(0, 32)
// Owner address
// Deployer public key
initialData = initialData.withReference(slotParams)

Then we need to get smart contract address. So we call contractAddress from the ton package, passing initialCode and initialData, that we received earlier:

const contractSource = {
    workchain: 0,

const address = await contractAddress(contractSource)

After you need to top up balance of this address (around 0.03 TON). You may just log it into console, and then top up it through wallet or @CryptoBot:

console.log(`Please topup ${address.toFriendly()} balance and press enter:`)

After topping balance up we can start deploy our contract:

const payload = new Cell()
payload.bits.writeUint(0, 32) // seq_no
const hash = await payload.hash()
const signature = nacl.sign.detached(hash, secretKey)
const body = new Cell()

const client = new TonClient({
    // you can choose desired network here (mainnet/testnet)
    endpoint: 'https://testnet.toncenter.com/api/v2/jsonRPC'
await client.sendExternalMessage(
        source: contractSource

Well done, contract is deployed. Happy coding! πŸ’Ž

Last updated